Say "Wait" to Waiter & Save Water!


In hotels, especially in India, waiters generally replace the half filled glasses with glasses full of water whenever they notice you have one sip of it. People are busy in chatting, official meetings, romantic eye meetings & few a times in eating while on table. So they obviously miss & sometimes deliberately ignore the move of waiter. This ignorance might come from 'not-my-business' attitude or out of social status concern. No one ever finds it wrong to waste remaining water of the removed glass. In fact, it has grown to be so normal, that someone opposing the waiter would be taken downright as 'acting like an uncle or old person' or 'an act of misery' as if doing good things is a responsibility of only old people & not of youth. Or as if such person is going to make money if that water has not been wasted.

Act Now:

Ask these anxious waiters to wait till the glass gets completely empty. Ask if a bottle/jug of drinking water is available. It saves additional water to be used for washing used glasses.


1. Main benefit is saving most valuable thing for human life, the drinking/edible water, which is getting scarce across many cities/states/countries.

2. Another benefit is that you help save some polluting fuel* from burning by municipal authority for purifying water.

3. One small benefit is you save your own money paid as tax to authorities by saving additional water from purifying process. This saved money might be mobilized towards some other work by the authority.

4. One of the hidden advantage is you are not interrupted in between your important meeting or romantic chats frequently! ;)

*Fuel used for purifying in any form is normally polluting fuel, whether directly or indirectly. How? Electricity may have been used for the purpose, right? Ya, right. But again, generating this electricity itself is a polluting activity.

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